
CaliSkills is run at the end of the year, and it is designed to develop:

  • Fitness
  • Flexibility
  • Co-ordination & rhythm
  • Sense of achievement
  • Musicality
  • Deportment and poise and at the same time promoting self esteem and self discipline.

The syllabus progresses through a number of stages suitable to the growth and development of the individual.  Once enrolled, you will be given dates of classes to attend in preparation for the Exam.


MINIMUM AGE FOR APPLICANT (by 31st December of that year)

Test 1

7 years

Test 2

7 years

Test 3

9 years

Grade 1

11 years

Grade 2

13 years

Grade 3

14 years

Grade 4

15 years


  • Bronze Medal: Must have Grade 4 and must be 16 by 31st December in the year of examination.
  • Silver Medal: Must have Grade 4 and Bronze Medal, and must be 17 by 31st December in the year of examination.
  • Gold Medal: Must have Grade 4, Bronze and Silver Medals, and must be 18 by 31st December in the year of examination.


Dates for specific tests/grades will be set by CAWA. Girls will attend only one day. Usual dates are late November in to early December on weekends.

  • Girls looking to participate in the Cadet Coaching Program need to be actively participating in calisthenics skills and have achieved Grade 1 prior to commencing as a Class Assistant and Grade 2 to be a Cadet.
  • For girls wishing to participate in the Graceful Girl Competition or Solo/ Duos at a National Level they must have attained specific levels within Calisthenics Skills.

Further details are explained on the Calisthenics WA webpage, or by speaking with your Riverton Coach.

2022 Updated.